
DevOps is hard

Visualising distance from the main sequence and other Clean Architecture metrics in Java — February 21, 2021

Visualising distance from the main sequence and other Clean Architecture metrics in Java

Image result for clean architecture zone of uselessness

I must not have been the only one to read “Clean Architecture” by Uncle Bob (Robert Martin) and be immediately sold on the abstractness, instability, coupling and main sequence metrics.
I must not have been the only one to immediately Google for tools to generate them for whichever codebase I happened to be working on at the moment, anxious to see if my refactoring instincts could be backed by a pretty diagram.
And yet, based on the very disappointing (lack of) results, it seems like that might be the case.

There are a few tools for the job yes, but they are clunky to run at best, and they definitely do not produce a visual output to quickly get insights from.

After hours of tinkering and getting a result, I thought I would share and write this guide for others like me who might have gone through the same experience. Hopefully it will spare some time to the next person.

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